In this presentation, Alan shares the remarkable story of a Spitfire pilot who found himself in a terrifying high-altitude encounter with a German Junkers in the summer of 1942. Drawing on first-hand accounts and historical records, Alan explores the dramatic events...
In this talk, Alan presents the incredible story of Ray Holmes – a Spitfire pilot who flew some of the most dangerous sorties of World War II. Alan focusses on one particular mission which tested Ray’s courage and skill to the limits, shedding light on the...
In this presentation Alan profiles Flt Lt Alastair ‘Sandy’ Gunn, a Spitfire pilot whose flying prowess met its ultimate test when his aircraft was shot down over Norway in 1942, leading to his capture by German forces and later his participation in a mass escape from...
In the last of three talks in this series, Alan spotlights the extraordinary flying career of Amy Johnson, one of the most celebrated aviators of the 20th century. From her historic solo flight from England to Australia, to her pioneering work as a flight engineer...
In this enlightening presentation, Alan presents the role of women in the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) during World War II. Discover how these brave women played a vital part in the Allied war effort by serving as pilots, flight engineers and ground crew. Learn about...